0.12 Full Public Release
Hello, everyone! We hope your post-truth Didnapper 2 experience has been a fun one so far. In case you were looking to spice up your experience with some difficult escapes and new characters to escape as, we're here to bring you update 0.12 for the mod!
Most features are here, except for ones that we're still reworking to better fit with our final vision of what the mod will be. This means that we're trying to move away from random levers that are haphazardly placed around for testing and more towards a coherent and intuitive user experience. Some features from the Truth update are also not as complete for Overkill as I would like, such as tape restraints. Most tape gags and bindings are currently only compatible with Seles, but every character that we've made so far for frogtie can use tape mittens, for example. We're hard at work developing these features, but we wanted to release what we have so far for the sake of compatibility with Didnapper 2 version 1.2.3. Thanks for your patience as we continue to juggle dozens of new features that are being added.
We've done our best to fix the majority of problems that have arisen due to porting the mod over to the newest versions of Didnapper 2, but some outstanding issues probably remain. We'll be relying on you to find them and report them to us so we can fix them!'
Additionally, Overkill 2 is now compatible with Yuti's Mod, as well as most other mods that do not change escapes (sorry, fans of Monster's Enhanced, we're still trying to figure out a good way to make that work..).
If you decide to install Overkill alongside another mod, please make sure to select Overkill FIRST while adding patches. This will allow our compatibility tools to do their work and mitigate potential issues. Also, double-check the patch folders you're unzipping them as the folder structure may be different.
We've tested this quite a bit and it seems stable enough, but this compatibility is still experimental and could have some unforeseen problems. If you find any problems while playing with both mods installed at the same time, please inform us on our discord server.
Development continues! Support us through SubscribeStar! We're hoping to release a new early-access version soon.
0.12 Full Release
- Mod updated to work with newly-released v1.2.3.
- EXPERIMENTAL support with mods that do not alter the escape minigame (such as Yuti’s mod) - select Overkill first when adding mods in the mod manager.
- Added Tape Mittens (All Characters, Frogtie)
- Adjusted Chelsea gags in Basic
- Added Suspension for Catsuit Chelsea.
- Re-added missing Aden’s Invention and Carol interactions to the camp sites.
- Added inspect descriptions for tape bindings.
- Fix allies spawning behind permanently locked doors in Wyvern Peak.
- Fixed a chance for party members to disappear in Wyvern Peak.
- Escape timer will now pause when viewing escape skills.
- Console will now render over the escape minigame text.
- Various Fixes
0.12 beta 5
- Changes:
- Mod updated to work with newly-released v1.2.2
- Fixes:
- Meter sometimes showing up for hands when no mittens are present
- Unable to inspect the distraction/vibe sometimes after focusing
- Misleading description for "silence tax" vibe modifier
- Misleading description when pose is changed to frog+pole
- Incorrect count of AC restraints for calculating Aion penalty
- Guards copying gags when re-applying them
- Camaris story escape(s) not working correctly
- Crash in Wyvern Peak prison when interacting with certain guards
0.12 beta 4
- Wyvern Peak Prison is re-opened! Some new features:
- You can access it from the travel map, available at any time you could also travel to the camp
- Your "security level" is now displayed after escaping, and can go up or down by getting re-captured or waiting for guard shifts to change
- After escaping, you'll have to fight your way to your allies, but beware - the whole party has been locked into AC collars!
- Leaving the prison will set security level back to 0 and allow you to take off the AC collar.
- Various Bugfixes
0.12 beta 3
- Fixed error box during Alverona library escape.
- Fixed second story escape on Zhara's ship not starting.
- Fixed missing texture crash during mandatory vine escape in Bellia.
- Improved future compatibility.
- Various other bugfixes
0.12 beta 2.1
- Fixed a bug with non-monster escapes
0.12 beta 2
- Added back the monster escape minigames (vines, roots, webs)
- Fixed key-spawning behavior for guards when the player was restrained with a locked restraint in escapes.
- Fixed the mittens bar not disappearing under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a typo in a vibe description.
- Various other fixes.
0.12 beta 1.2
- Re-added the ability to enable playtesting mode by holding W (“previous page”) button upon starting a new game.
0.12 beta 1.1
- Fixed automatically losing to the first vine boss after rescuing Rinie
- Fixed missing party members after camp escapes
- Fixed escape after losing a camp battle not working
- Fixed various bugs and issues.
0.12 beta 1
- This patch only works for v1.2.1 of Didnapper 2. This released a few hours ago (as of 6/21/24), so if you downloaded the game from itch.io, you probably need to do so again.
- If you find bugs while playing on this modded version, do not report them to DID Games, report them in the Overkill 2 Mod discord server instead, in the bug-reports channel.
- A few things are not implemented yet, in order to get the patch out and get feedback/bug reports quicker:
- The vine/root/web escape minigames will act as though you instantly lose the minigame. This is intentional.
- Allies and their bindings cannot yet be adjusted in the camp setup menu.
- The Overkill Prison, Wyvern's Peak Prison, and Private Cells are not yet accessible.
- These will all be implemented as we get them into the mod. Thank you for your patience!
- Known issues: Chelsea neckrope
Get Didnapper 2 - Overkill 2 Mod
Didnapper 2 - Overkill 2 Mod
A Hardcore Bondage Mod for DID Games' Didnapper 2
Status | In development |
Category | Game mod |
Authors | KombatWombat, reverse_mitts, ShikiXNeku, eliselle |
Tags | Adult, bondage, damsel-in-distress, didnapper, didnapper-2, didnapper-2-mod, Erotic, JRPG, Singleplayer, tied-up |
Languages | English |
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